Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Real Doctor Will See You Shortly by Matt McCarthy.

This book is about Dr. Matt McCarthy, who chronicles his first year experience as an intern.  I love this book, I could not put it down.

Why?  If you think Grey's Anatomy was the real deal, reading this book gave me a better perspective of what an intern actually goes through in their process of being a Dr.  I love the fact that Matt shares all this emotional up and down during his first year and it tracks his progression of being book smart to understanding that practicing medicine is not only what you know in your brain but connecting with patients.
It's an eye opener of the sacrifices that doctors have to make, sure they make oodles of money but at what costs? 

There's twists and turns to Matt's story and I felt emotionally attached to his story.  It's an easy and enjoyable read.

Dr. Matt McCarthy Bio

I would highly recommend this book for pure entertainment and also a great gift for someone you know who is entering the medical profession or soon to be medical student.

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.