Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Healing Power of Essential Oil by Eric Zielinski, D.C.

My wife got into essential oil a couple of years ago and has been using it ever since.  At times I am not sure how real this is but she swears by it.  She mixes her own oil for headaches, stomach aches, muscle aches, etc.

This book is great because it gives her reference to what more she can use the essential oil for.  The different mixes she can use the oils for.

All I know is that essential oil are great for massages and smells great, especially in our boy's room.

I got this book from Blogging for Books.

Friday, March 2, 2018

All the Pieces Matter by Jonathan Abraham

When I heard Jonathan Abraham, who I have read his sports writing, was coming out with a book about The Wire, I couldn't believe it.

Finally, an oral history about one of the best TV series ever shown.  Of course that is up to debate among if it's one of the best but for me, it was one of the best TV series I ever watched.  My wife, she will be to differ but this is my review not hers.

For fans of The Wire, this book is a must have.  Such a fascinating read on how Ed Burns and David Simon conceived of this series, based on their own personal experience and living in city of Baltimore.  The casting of the actors/actresses, various plot lines and scenes (it was great to read about the "F*&K" scene with Bunk and McNaulty) and the significance of this show on the society as well as for those who have participated in it.

Many of the actors/actresses have now become household names, such as Idris Elba.

This is a great book about a great show and after reading the book, I want to re-watch the show and this time with new insight.

I received this book from "Blogging for Books" for this review.