Monday, April 9, 2018

A Contrarian's Guide to KNowing God - Larry Osborne

This title is indeed what it is, it's a contrarian's guide to what we all know about our relationship with God.

It's funny, I have heard all the things that's required to know and draw close to God. Such as being in an accountability group, faith that doesn't waver, discipleship, etc.  It can be a bit controversial given most of these are accepted and loved ideas in the Christian community but Larry is not afraid to stir things up.

I love the fact that he's not afraid to stir things up yet keeps focus on God and the ultimate goal of knowing God.

this is a recommended book for all who are seeking a contrarian perspective on knowing God.

I received this book from Blogging for Books for my review

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Healing Power of Essential Oil by Eric Zielinski, D.C.

My wife got into essential oil a couple of years ago and has been using it ever since.  At times I am not sure how real this is but she swears by it.  She mixes her own oil for headaches, stomach aches, muscle aches, etc.

This book is great because it gives her reference to what more she can use the essential oil for.  The different mixes she can use the oils for.

All I know is that essential oil are great for massages and smells great, especially in our boy's room.

I got this book from Blogging for Books.

Friday, March 2, 2018

All the Pieces Matter by Jonathan Abraham

When I heard Jonathan Abraham, who I have read his sports writing, was coming out with a book about The Wire, I couldn't believe it.

Finally, an oral history about one of the best TV series ever shown.  Of course that is up to debate among if it's one of the best but for me, it was one of the best TV series I ever watched.  My wife, she will be to differ but this is my review not hers.

For fans of The Wire, this book is a must have.  Such a fascinating read on how Ed Burns and David Simon conceived of this series, based on their own personal experience and living in city of Baltimore.  The casting of the actors/actresses, various plot lines and scenes (it was great to read about the "F*&K" scene with Bunk and McNaulty) and the significance of this show on the society as well as for those who have participated in it.

Many of the actors/actresses have now become household names, such as Idris Elba.

This is a great book about a great show and after reading the book, I want to re-watch the show and this time with new insight.

I received this book from "Blogging for Books" for this review.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Sweet Potato Soul by Jenne Clairborne

Soul Food and me is like water and oil. They just don't mix together.

So when I saw the detail of this book "100 Easy Vegan Recipes" I said "No Way." How can you have Vegan Soul Food. But then no one ever thought of Korean Tacos until Roy Choi did it.

I picked up this book and read it and am sold that Soul Food and Vegan can go together.  I love how Jenne wrote this not only as a cookbook but also a book that tells stories of some of these iconic recipes.

For fans of soul food, also food lovers, this is a good book for your collection. Jenne's twist on make Soul Food into vegan (and somewhat healthier) version really does work.

By the way, great pictures.

Here is more information about Jenne Clairborne.

Jenne Clairborne

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

Monday, January 29, 2018

The Air I Breathe by Louie Giglio

So I have heard Louie Giglio on the radio many times and I really like what he says  His talk/sermons are very easy to understand and hits to the heart.

When I saw this book, I had to read it. It talks about a subject "worship" that resonates with me as a Christian.  It has taken me a while but worship has become very important to my spiritual journey and the fact that this book is advocating that worship should be incorporated in every aspect of my life is very appealing to me.

This isn't a very long book, in fact it's short and concise, which I really like.  Louis focuses on what worship is and how we can take steps to worship God in all areas.

I would highly recommend this book for those who are fans of Louie Giglio and worship.

I received this book from Blogging for Books for a book review.

Friday, January 5, 2018

A Force So Swift by Kevin Peraino

If you are a student of history, you will love this book.  This is interesting in how the author has noted that the rise of Mao shaped the China of today. I guess in a way it did but there's much more to China today then the rise of Mao.

The author, Kevin Peraino, has meticulously researched this book and consolidated all the facts from various sources, including unclassified US government documents and put together a riveting story of the importance of the year 1949 played in rise of Mao and the downfall of the Nationalist (Chiang Kai Shek) government.

This is definitely a recommendation for history buff, especially for those interested in the recent rise of China in the world spotlight

I received this book from Blogging for Books for review